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Virtual Dictionary

Space to Space

Space to Space is the colloquial term in 3D modelling and rendering practices, for transferring co-ordinates from one space system to another. Typical space systems include model space, world space, view space, screen space, and object space. Each have their own native so-ordinate systems, and each is in use in any given 3D scene.

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Space to Space


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Messing with Tangent Space
Tangent space is sometimes called texture space. It is the co-ordinate systems for one face of any 3D skinned model. Use of tangent space, which this tutorial covers, is necessary to properly map a texture onto part of a 3D shape.

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Augmented Reality, Designed for Space, Half a Century Behind Everyone Else
The European Space Agency (ESA) have released details of a new augmented reality interface they have been testing and how it actually benefits astronauts when in space. Quite scarily they actually believe they are the first organisation to implement an AR interface, according to their press release.

This tome, written long before the Metaverse Roadmap, was one of the first large works to discuss how virtual spaces create entirely new kinds of space, and require mapping constructs and methodologies utterly alien to what had come before.

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The Drive for Storage Space and Speed
More music; more films; more photography; more, more, more. More of everything seems drive this fetish for storage space and power. Yet is it just more, more, more, or can more actually equal better in VR?

Locally Hosted resource
Sensor Web: A look at an Internet in Physical Space: AR Orientation
The Sensor web, is a long-anticipated faced of an augmented world. It is, in theory at least, a huge web of interconnected sensors, actuators, RFID, GPS, specialised routing controls, and augmented sensory hardware, all wired together into an immense web in physical space, facilitating Augmented Reality applications.

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Spatial Representation of a Virtual World
How do you perceive space and spatial relationships between objects in a virtual environment. Rather easily if you are setting out to replicate the physical world. But that is too easy, it loses so many of the true advantages of VR, where space is irrelevant, and every room can be a TARDIS. This article looks at mapping that kind of a mess, beginning with text worlds, where such spatial irrelevancy is at its highest.


Industry News containing the Term Space to Space:

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Animal's brains are only roughly aware of how high-up they are in space, meaning that in terms of altitude the brain's 'map' of space is surprisingly flat, according to new research.

In a study published online today in N...

French doctors carried out the world's first ever operation on a human in zero gravity on Wednesday, using a specially adapted aircraft to simulate conditions in space.

During a 3-hour flight from Bordeaux in southwest Franc...

Cisco has teamed up with NASA, and launched an internet router into space.

The plan is to use orbiting IP-addressing routers to interconnect all the separate government, and military networks on the planet, into the internet....

A few hours before a gigantic bubble of electrified gas and charged particles erupted from the Sun, NASA officially released the new Space Weather App making images and other data almost immediately available to users. “The timing was per...

Ground controllers turned Robonaut on Monday for the first time since it was delivered to the International Space Station in February. The test involved sending power to all of Robonaut's systems. The robot was not commanded to move; that ...